VK, aka “Russian Facebook,” is the largest social media platform in Russia. First launched in 2006 by its creator Pavel Durov, VKontakte attracted millions of users around the former Soviet countries such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, and so on. It is the 14th most visited website globally, has 60 million daily users, and supports more than 80 languages. Keep on scrolling to learn more information about this Russian social media giant!
What Is VK?
You may be wondering what is VK com and what is it for. VK is a social media application developed by Russia. It stands for VKontakte, which means keeping in touch. It is a very popular and widely used social media application. And it is similar to Facebook in terms of usage. Some call VK the Facebook Russia created. Let’s learn more about the so-called Russia Facebook, VK, in the continuation of our article.
Features of VK
Here is a brief list of all the features that VKontakte has:
Similar to other social media platforms, you can use VK to chat with your friends. The messages can be sent & received by between 2 to 500 people. You may add up to 10 attachments to your messages (photos, videos, audio, and locations).
VKontakte allows you to share a post about whatever you want on your profile wall; you may use hashtags and mention people in your posts. It is possible to add photos, videos, documents, etc., up to 10 attachments. One of the fascinating things about VK is its search and recommendation engine. The recommendation engine makes it easier for you to find posts that would interest you. This is one of the most appreciated features of VKontakte.
VK has three kinds of communities: Groups, Public pages, and Events. Groups are generally a place for intimate connections; users may add content to groups and edit them. They discuss and share their ideas about daily events. Admins direct public pages; they create visual, written, and audial content and share them with their followers. Users comment on these contents and share their opinions about them. Events are the last type of community. As the name suggests, users use events to invite other users to participate in events like concerts, football games, gatherings, etc. Events always have a certain date, duration, time, and location. If you are interested in VK, buy VK followers via Famety to grow your account, then improve your visibility.
Users may upload music files to VK. They may also re-share the files that other users shared, create their playlists, and comment on others’ publications. What is truly significant about VKontakte is its’ copyright policy, or rather lack of it. Users can share songs without thinking about copyright laws because VKontakte doesn’t recognize them at all!
If you are curious whether is VK safe, then the answer is yes. Users can adjust the visibility of their profile, personal information, and posts. VK uses a two-step verification system to secure its users’ data.
For business owners who would like to work in the Russian market, VK is the best place to start advertising. VKontakte doesn’t just allow you to reach a huge number of customers in Russia but also in all Russian-speaking countries and former Soviet states. This is why most of the companies that work in one of these countries use VK as their primary advertising source. 400.000 companies have an account for commercial purposes, and VKontakte allows its users to buy products via the fast payment system it uses.
How to Sign Up for VK?
Using and browsing in VK is easy, and so it is to sign up for it. You can apply the easy-to-follow steps below to sign up for the platform and start your VK login easily.
- If you have a Facebook account beforehand, you can use it for the VKontakte login process. Your Facebook data is imported into VK’s system. The only thing to do is register your phone number and use the code VKontakte sent you to log in.
- If you do not have a Facebook account or you just simply don’t want to use your Facebook account to log in, you may simply create your VK account from the beginning. On the site’s main page, vk.com, you write your name and surname, specify your gender, and add your birthday. Then, you register your phone number and use the code that is sent to you to log in. After creating your account, you can add a profile picture, specify your interests, and change your personal information whenever you want.
If you have more questions about VK, check the VK Support page.
Vk is one of the most influential social media platforms in the world. Even with its apparent similarity to Facebook, VK is more popular than Facebook in Russia. Its success shows us the value of promoting local business strategies and answering users’ special demands.
1 Comment
To me, VK is comes right after YouTube because of its vaious features. I have had many accounts on VK.