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Social Media Statistics of Famous Platforms

Social media is the digital world’s general name in today’s world, where people communicate with the help of audio, video, animation, and video, and are growing day by day. Social media seems to have gained a very new place in our lives, but it was first born in 1971 when two computers sent e-mails to each other to address the need for mutual communication. Now, social media statistics show us how it developed quickly.

From the first moment, the people involved in this digital media had the opportunity to meet new people by sharing the information and expressing themselves with the individuals in the opposite. Today, this digital world has ceased to be a platform where individuals communicate among themselves, and corporate companies have become a trade market in which they are struggling to compete. So how much of the world have these social media apps captured? In this article, we will review social media stats.

How Many People Are There On the Internet?

The number of people using the internet increased by 7 percent (with 298 million new users) to 4.54 billion compared to January 2019. Last year, that number was 4.38 billion. Worldwide, there are 3.80 billion social media users in January 2021. In 2019, the numbers of social media users were 3.484 billion.

More than 5.19 billion people worldwide use mobile phones, which is 124 million (2.4%) compared to last year it’s increased. In 2019, the number of smartphone users was 5.112 billion. That equates to 67% of total users.

How Many Hours Do We Spend Online

How Many Hours Do We Spend Online?

Over the past year, the amount of time users spend on the internet has continued to decline somewhat over the years. The average internet user spent 6 hours and 43 minutes online every day. Last year, that was six hours and 49 minutes. As a result, we are currently spending more than 40% of our awake lives using the internet.
However, the time people spend online varies from country to country. Internet users in the Philippines spend an average of 9 hours and 45 minutes a day online. In Japan, it’s only four hours and 22 minutes a day.
More than 366 million new users have been online since 2018. That means 11 new users per second. However, internet penetration rates still have not reached the ideal level in 2019. Just over 40 percent of the world’s total population – roughly 3.2 billion people – are not yet connected to the internet. More than 1 billion of these “offline” people live in South Asia (31 percent of the total).

Most Used Social Media Apps in 2021

Most Used Social Media Apps in 2021

Mobile apps now make up 10 of every 11 minutes we spend using mobile devices. When it comes to website visits, mobile remains at only 9 percent. 

Tinder generated more revenue from other non-game apps in 2019. 

Our love affair with apps has shown little signs of slowing down despite the rise of “progressive web applications.” App Annie revealed smartphone users worldwide have downloaded more than 200 billion mobile apps in 2019 and spent a total of USD 120 billion on app-related purchases in the past 12 months. With Ericsson’s latest data, these figures show that the average user now spends more than $21 on average for an internet-connected smartphone.

Mobile app category ranking sequencing in 2021 is chat – messaging, social platforms, games, and shopping apps.

We face the fact that games constitute the highest share of mobile app downloads (more than 1 in 5 of the total), and 70 percent of consumer spending worldwide leads to mobile apps. Moreover, the share of people’s total time using their mobile phones does not have a game category.

We have listed the leaders of the most widely used social media apps for you in 2021:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • QZone

Now let’s take a look at the social media statistics of each of these platforms.


  • Facebook’s net profit for late 2019 increased by 29 percent compared to its profit in the same period last year.
  • The popular social network is the third year of 2019. net profit for the quarter rose to 17.7 billion.
  • Facebook makes about $323.12.
  • Facebook is the first social media channel in the world.
  • The number of monthly active users is 2.23 billion worldwide. 56% of this number is male, and 44% are female.
  • The number of users visiting Facebook daily is 1.47 billion people.
  • 51% of active daily users visit Facebook several times a day.
  • The average time users spend on Facebook is 30 minutes.
  • Users upload an average of 350 million photos to Facebook every day.
  • The number of likes on Facebook is 4 million in a minute.
  • Almost 50 million people with accounts on Facebook are no longer alive! 
  • According to estimates, there are almost 100 million fake accounts.
  • Facebook has 1 billion 600 million users between the ages of 18 and 44.
  • 96% of users log in to Facebook via mobile devices.
  • 25% of users prefer laptops and computers.
  • The average number of friends for users is 350 people.
  • Facebook Stories has an active number of users at 150 million.
  • 19.7% of the digital advertising market belongs to Facebook.
  • Among the estimates, there are close to 10 million people actively advertising on the site.
  • Companies provide 89% of their advertising revenue from mobile ads.
  • The total number of pages in the business profile is around 80 million.
  • Video content with the highest access rate of 6.03% on Facebook.


  • Instagram’s number of users today is more than 1 billion. 
  • Instagram’s daily active number of users is more than 500 million, amazing for social media statistics.
  • Instagram is the 3rd most popular platform after Facebook and YouTube. 
  • Users share an average of 95 million content in 1 day.
  • Users like shared content by an average of 5 billion people in one day.
  • Photos and videos that people share with the hashtag get 12.6% more interaction than the content they share without the hashtag.
  • Although the majority of Instagram users are young, 95% are also Facebook users.
  • 31% of Instagram users with a young user profile are between 18, 24, and 30% between 25 and 34.
  • More than 300 million people a day use Instagram’s “Stories” feature.
  • Brands with the highest followers on Instagram share an average of 4 shares per week.
  • Instagram users follow at least one brand, on average, 80% of them.
  • More than 200 million users a day visit at least one brand’s page every day.
  • Instagram has a follower interaction rate of 2.2%. 
  • 20% of Instagram users live in the US.
  • 71% of u.S. businesses use Instagram as a marketing tool.
  • There are more than 50 million accounts with business profiles on Instagram.
  • 2/3 of the daily visits of business accounts consist of users who do not follow them.
  • There are approximately 3 million advertisers or people on Instagram.
  • Mobile advertising revenues were over $7 billion in 2018.
  • Top three emojis on Instagram: emoji from tears in your eyes as you laugh, heart emoji, and face emoji with heart in your eyes.
  • Photos with human faces get more likes on Instagram by 38%.
  • There is no clear time on Instagram where interaction is highest. Also, access to weekdays, in general, is very high.


  • Since 2019, users have been tweeting an average of 500 million tweets per day on Twitter.
  • In similar web research, Twitter is the 7th most visited worldwide. Site.
  • On Twitter, users share 5,787 tweets per second. Besides, this rate has not changed much since 2014.
  • The period when Twitter was most profitable was 2017. Twitter made a profit of about $91 million in 2017. Although it also made a profit in 2018 and 2019, it did not reach its profit level in 2017.
  • Tweets with hashtags interact 1065% more than hashtag-free tweets.
  • The emoji users used the most on Twitter was the emoji that shed tears of joy. In tweets, people preferred 2nd most preferred. And 3. emojis are the face that weeps with the heart eye, respectively.
  • Twitter’s monthly active number of users is 326 million.
  •  Users’ daily active Twitter usage rate is 46 percent.
  • 80 percent of Twitter users live outside the United States.
  • Twitter has established 35 offices to serve worldwide. It also operates in 33 different languages.
  • 24 percent of adults in the United States are Twitter users. Forty percent of this number is between the ages of 18 and 29. 
  • Only 6 percent of young people in the United States think Twitter is an important network.
  • According to pew researches, 71 percent of Twitter users take the action of reading news here. Users in the United States make up 12 percent of that rate.

More on Twitter

  • 187 heads of government around the world use Twitter.
  • Twitter is a site where political polarization is seen “very often.”
  • 31 percent of users can remember what they saw on Twitter. This shows that Twitter holds a special place on social media users!
  • 75 percent of advertisers use Twitter.
  • About 85 percent of businesses think it would be useful to provide services using Twitter.
  • Twitter ads are 11 percent more effective than TV ads!
  • Any worldwide tweet completes its life after 50 minutes.
  • World brands posted approximately 122 tweets during 2018.
  • The best time to share tweets worldwide is 3:00 p.m.
  • Sharing gif tweets on advertised products or daily shares increases the interaction by 55 percent.
  • The facts that tweets are video content also increases the interaction rate by 10 times.
  • The vast majority of online reputation management cases take place on Twitter.

Interesting YouTube Stats

  • 1.9 billion people visit YouTube every month.
  • YouTube’s daily active user count is 30 million.
  • The number of videos viewed in 1 day on Youtube is 5 billion.
  • If this goes on, 82% of internet users will log into YouTube in 2022.
  • Approximately 96 percent of 18-24-year-olds use Youtube. The vast majority of them don’t watch TV.
  • YouTube, which has access to all areas of the internet, supports 80 languages in 91 countries.
  • The most visited country on YouTube is the United States, with 15.8 percent. Japan is third with 4.6 per hundred.
  • People spend about 40 minutes on YouTube every day.
  • The number of videos that users upload to YouTube per minute amounts to a total of 300 hours.
  • Users are looking for Facebook the most on Google, and YouTube is in second place.
  • The most views on YouTube consist of mobile devices. This rate is about 70%.
  • Mobile use is 46 percent between the ages of 16 and 24.
  • In 2017 and 2018, the viewing rate of relaxing videos and music watched on YouTube increased by 70 percent.
  • 70 percent of teens around the age of 18 now enter YouTube to learn something.
  • According to 2019 Youtube data, the most famous Youtuber earned about $180 million. That’s up 42 percent compared to 2018. This shows how good YouTube has done in creating its celebrities.
  • For a year, users watched about 50,000 product reviews. When shopping for showcases or product shopping, people turn to videos to find what they want to consume. Accordingly, Youtube is the most effective way to promote your brand or product.

More on YouTube 

  • YouTube ads for businesses attract 83 percent of viewers. This rate is 45 percent on TV.
  • 95 percent of YouTube ads are voice ads. On Facebook, it’s 15 percent. If you have a brand, YouTube will help you be popular.
  • Jawed uploaded the first video to YouTube in 2005. The video is called “Me at the Zoo.”
  • Approximately 62% of YouTube users are male, and 38% are female. Of these, 80 percent come from outside the United States.
  • The fastest age for YouTube users is between 35-55.
  • The videos that adults are looking for on YouTube are nostalgic.
  • Women watch more beauty videos on YouTube. Men watch games, football or politics.
  • PewDiepie is the channel with the most followers on YouTube. (83 million subscribers)
  • The video clock watched by all users exceeds 1 billion! It is an amazing number of social media statistics.
  • Gangnam Style, the first video to reach popularity, has disrupted the video counter.
  • The annual cost of running YouTube is USD 6.35 billion. Annual revenue is USD 13 billion.
  • The music that people watch and listen to most on YouTube today is Luis Fonsi’s Despacito. Ed Sheeran took second place, Shape of You, and third place was Wiz Khalifa – See You Again.
  • Since 2016, the number of small and medium businesses using YouTube has doubled. 
  • Videos such as “How to do, music, entertainment” are the most popular categories.
  • The number of people paying YouTube TV is 300 thousand. The video time these people watched from the screens is 180 million hours.


  • TikTok describes itself as a global video community. With TikTok, users can create and share their short videos. Users can add their favorite music or sounds with special effects filters, fun tags, and stickers on their videos.
  • Tiktok also offers editing tools to crop, hack, merge, and copy video clips. TikTok focuses on short, instant videos at the intersection of apps like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Videos at TikTok are limited to 15 seconds, but you can add videos together to create longer stories.
  • TikTok has free mobile apps on the Amazon platform, apart from Android and iOS. TikTok announced that it had reached 250 million daily active users at the end of the first half of 2018. Also, this app surpassed the number of 500 million monthly active users in more than 150 countries. 
  • TikTok has managed to become the most downloaded mobile app on both iOS and Android platforms in the US and Europe in 2018. TikTok is very successful in social media statistics, even though it is a new platform.
  • TikTok’s share of video content, which accounts for about 80 percent of the world’s internet traffic, is also growing. China, which has the world’s largest internet population with more than 800 million internet users, comes from TikTok alone, with about 10 percent of traffic as of November 2018! Don’t you still have a TikTok account?

Conclusion on Social Media Stats

In our article, we have covered social media statistics. We can’t deny that social media exists in every aspect of our lives. Social media is with us in the happiest moments and even when we experience our saddest or most important feelings. Social media comes into contact with every aspect of our lives, with its usefulness and facilities that support people in all areas. The social media that we share our best moments didn’t just go digital, but they started to populate our real lives. With official transactions, interviews, messaging, and commercial facilities, social media is now our hands-on.

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One of the reasons people are so connected to social media and why social media can continue to sustain is that each platform has a different audience. Communication between people is comfortable and very fast at the highest level, thanks to social media. So there’s a platform in social media that, of course, overlaps with your character and has content and audiences that you like.

We’re looking forward to it!

If you liked this article about social media statistics, please read our other articles about social media.

Frequently Asked Questions About

TikTok is a free social media software that lets you stream, make, and upload videos — often to the soundtrack of popular music hits — from your phone. Originally available as in the US, it was rebranded after the two services combined in August 2018.

On average, A TikToker, with half a million followers with a strong contribution to comments and likes can be paying about $450 a month. You need to gain traction with a strong engagement rate on your videos to make money from TikTok.

TikTok’s highest-earning influencer is 17-year-old Loren Gray, who could charge $175,000 per post. A year back, 19-year-old actress Aashika Bhatia will have the most followers, with 194 million. Pomeranian Jiffpom is the only celebrity on the list, holding the overall 10th position with 20 million followers.

In 2019, as the graphs show, 79 percent of the population had a social network profile, with a two percent increase from the last year’s 77 percent usage.

The average user on the internet has accounts on more than 8 different social media platforms, spending an average of 2.5 hours a day using social media.

James Orublig

Posts: 536

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

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1 Comment

  1. Blig Lawrance
    Blig Lawrance

    social media statistics are really helpful to illuminate the user about the past actions. I regularly monitor my stats.