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Results of Hiding Comments on Facebook

Facebook is still one of the most used social media platforms globally. However, there are still some things that users wonder about, such as what are the results of hiding comments on Facebook. What happens when you hide a comment on Facebook? Facebook, as a pioneer in social media, offers many interactive features, including comments. But what happens when you hide a comment on Facebook? Here’s everything you need to know about managing comments effectively to maintain a positive online environment.

About Facebook Comments

Facebook took commenting to a whole new level. It is one of their innovative projects. Now, commenting with emojis, photos, GIFs, and stickers is possible. The result of hiding comments on Facebook is quite useful for the one who hides them. The public will not see the comments you hide, but the users who wrote the comments will still be able to see their comments. We all like receiving comments on Facebook, whether we have a Business Page or a Personal Page. However, some people tend to use this feature in a bad way. 

Unfortunately, it is possible to see mean and offensive comments on Facebook. These comments are found on all social media platforms. Dealing with these comments has always been difficult. No matter what you do, you can’t make everyone happy, but some people like to abuse goodwill. You can also buy Facebook likes from Famety for your posts and boost them!

The easiest way to deal with these accounts is by either blocking them or hiding their comments. 

Types of Facebook Comments

Facebook comments can vary greatly, including positive feedback, neutral remarks, and negative criticisms. Understanding the different types can help you engage more effectively with your audience.

  • Spam comments: These types of comments are generally bad for your posts because they contain a bad image or text. You should directly delete those.
  • Negative comments: Negative comments are generally sharp, but they might be criticism or a piece of advice. You can hide if you don’t want to see them.
  • Positive comments: These types of comments are for the positive image.

Pros of Hiding Comments on Facebook

Hiding comments can help maintain a positive online environment, prevent the spread of misinformation, and protect your page from spam or offensive content, thus safeguarding your brand’s image.

Cons of Hiding Comments on Facebook

On the downside, hiding comments might limit open dialogue, potentially alienate users who feel censored, and might not address the root cause of negative feedback.

delete a comment

Hiding vs. Deleting vs. Banning

Choosing between hiding, deleting, or banning involves considering the severity of the comment and the impact on your community. Hiding keeps the comment visible to the poster, deleting removes it entirely, and banning prevents the user from posting again.

How to Hide Comments on Facebook

Hiding comments on Facebook is a straightforward process:

hiding comments on Facebook
  • Simply click on the three dots next to the comment you wish to hide and select the “Hide comment” option.
  • This action makes the comment invisible to everyone except those who posted it and their friends.

After You Hide Comments

When you hide comments, the people who make those comments will not notice that you have hidden their comments. You and other people who follow your page will not see the comments, but those who make them will still see them. That is why hiding is a good solution instead of blocking or deleting those accounts directly. The same thing goes for Personal Pages as well. Maybe it is not a professional environment like Business Pages, but it is important to keep your relations good.

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Let’s say someone from your friends has written something on your post. Yet, you don’t like the comment that he/she has written, or you don’t want others to see that comment. That is why you hide it and not erase it. This way, the friend who commented on your post will still see his/her comment, but others will not see that comment. In the end, there won’t be any ‘why you have hidden my comment’ conversation, and you can unhide them anytime you want.

Why Should You Hide Comments?

Can you tell if someone hides your comment on Facebook? Can other people see hidden comments? What does a hidden comment on Facebook look like? If you have trouble with people who make comments that are not in your interest, the best thing you can do is hide their comments. It does not matter if you have a Business or Personal Page because the results of hiding comments on Facebook are good.

Let’s say you have a Business Page and keep getting hating comments about how you do bad business. If you block those accounts, it would be an easy escape, and people would think that you are not ready to face bad comments and manage a crisis. Instead, you can hide their comments.

If you want to learn more about Facebook, check out our articles about it. You may be interested in how to make a Facebook post shareable.

Frequently Asked Questions About

The commenter can still see hidden comments. The worst part is that the commenter’s friends can still see the comment, too. And they can continue the conversation by replying. So, hidden comments can be replied to if you are the commenter’s friend.

To see your hidden comments, go to the post and look at the comments. The hidden ones will be grayed out. If there was only one comment on the post, click on the three-dotted button to see the hidden comment.

If you haven’t hidden the comments yourself, they could have been determined as spam automatically.

James Orublig

Posts: 123

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

4 Comments on Results of Hiding Comments on Facebook

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  1. Claudia

    I made a comment on a public Facebook page and I went to see a few days later that it says : this comment has been hidden and it is grayed out. When I click on that, I see it. Does everyone else see my comment or they don’t?

  2. Aryan Pate
    Aryan Pate

    I couldn’t have imaged that improved privacy was among the results of hiding comments on Facebook. I learned something new today, thanks to you.

  3. Lylia

    The article provides a nuanced perspective on moderating Facebook interactions. It reminds us that while hiding comments can protect a brand’s image, it’s essential to balance it with transparent communication to foster trust and engagement.

  4. Gabe

    Interesting read on the consequences of hiding comments on Facebook. It highlights the importance of addressing negative feedback constructively rather than just making it invisible, which can ultimately enhance community trust and brand loyalty.