With this process called Repost, you can share a photo or video that someone else has shared on your profile and story. Now, we’ll explain step by step how to repost the video on Instagram.
Sometimes you want to share a video that you see on Instagram on your profile.
You may not be able to do this because Instagram does not automatically repost.
Thanks to third-party applications developed for Instagram, you can share someone else’s posts on your profile.
What Is a Repost?
Repost is a feature that helps you share a photo or video-sharing you see on Instagram in your account. This feature is the same as the Retweet feature on Twitter and the Share feature on Facebook. However, Repost is not a feature offered by Instagram. To repost videos on Instagram, you must use one of the paid or free third-party applications.
How to Repost Instagram Videos
With using Repost applications such as Repost for Instagram, DownloadGram, or Instarepost, you can add an Instagram video to your Instagram page. Today, we will focus on Repost for the Instagram application. However, if you want to use another app, we still think the following steps will help you because the method you will probably follow is not much different than the steps below.
- Download the Repost for Instagram app. Download the app for Android or iOS and install it on your phone.
- Open your Instagram account. Open the Instagram app again and find the video you want to repost. Then, tap the ellipses on the upper right-hand corner and tap the Copy share URL.
- Open Repost for Instagram app. The post you copied will be displayed automatically. Touch the arrow on the right side of the video. You can edit how the repost icon will appear on Instagram from here.
- Copy to Instagram. Touch the Repost button, and then touch Copy to Instagram. You can now edit the post if you want. You can add location, or tag someone. If you want to import text from the original post, tap and hold the description field, and then tap Paste. The original description will appear in the form of a quote.
- Tap to the Share button. When your edits are complete, and your share is ready, tap the Share button.
How to Repost a Video on Instagram Story
You can only share someone’s post from Feed to your story if their account is public and they’ve allowed resharing of their posts.
Keep in mind that when you share someone’s post to your story, anyone who views it can see who originally posted it and can view the original account.
Instagram Help
You can also share a post you see on Instagram with your followers for 24 hours through the good old Instagram Stories and make them enjoy it too (if.co/how-to-use-instagram-stories). To do so:
- First, tap the Submit button next to the like and comment buttons below the post.
- In the drop-down list, click to the Add to Stories option at the top.
- You can edit the shape of the post on the story and add any comments you want. What you need to do to repost is that simple.
How to Repost an Instagram Story You Are Tagged In
If some users tag you to their story, you will receive a direct message from Instagram. This message gives you the chance to repost the story for the next 24 hours.
- Open Instagram and click the Direct Messages section.
- In this section, you will see a written message that says someone mentioned you in their story open this message.
- Tap the Add Story button.
- Before sharing, you can edit this story. You can add some stickers, tag others, and add text if you want.
- Lastly, tap the Share button, and you’ll be sharing this reposted story with your followers for 24 hours.
There you have it, folks! Reposting on Instagram is a great gesture that you do, and it won’t cost you a single penny. Therefore, we should always strive for helping our friends fulfill their goals and dreams through reposting their stuff.
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In the end, all that matters is what we value, and how we distribute that value for our loved ones. If you feel like a simple repost may help someone you know, don’t hesitate to give them that little gesture.
You can’t possibly know when you might change someone’s life completely.
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1 Comment
Although I avoid reposting video on Instagram, sometimes it becomes a necessity; especially when you run out of ideas.