Social media provides a lot of chances for brands to promote themselves. Almost all industries can use social media marketing as the main marketing strategy nowadays. Real estate businesses also can use the power of social media for promoting.
Many real estate agents have been involved with real estate social media marketing for quite some time. Using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, LinkedIn, and other social platforms to reach their target audience and build lasting relationships with their leads and clients. However, many of these agents often don’t have enough knowledge to manage real estate social media marketing strategies despite being real estate experts.
Social media are a fundamental tool to expand the market of a real estate agent. The integration between online and offline communication agents allows you to reach every customer type, from the potential to the current one, from the most digital and innovative to the more traditional one. However, engagement is only one of the possibilities offered by social media; the highest potential is to speed up your real estate agency’s promotion and thereby improve your reputation (online and offline).
In recent years, to try to conduct skills in this sector to real estate professionals, books have been written in industrial quantities on real estate social media marketing. Unfortunately, most of the information inside them is all too frequently unreliable, badly written, or even wrong.
Therefore, in the light of years of experience in web marketing, online communication, and digital technologies related to the real estate world, we have decided to intervene to help provide you with some advice on the best strategies applied to real estate social media marketing.
Real Estate Marketing Social Media Strategies
Every social network prefers a certain type of content, so every time you want to publish a post, always remember what context you are placing it in. We bring you some examples for the main social platforms:
How to Use Facebook for Real Estate
Facebook is a great place to promote real estate. It is especially effective for marketing in the neighborhood you work in. It is possible to sponsor your Facebook posts at a negligible price, to ensure that they have a greater and more profiled coverage, to reach the target potentially most interested in your product or service, regardless of whether it is ads of properties for sale, promotions or simple images that sponsor your context and territory. Here is some advice that you use in your business:
- Show your engagement on Facebook. Show your followers your work discipline, how you work, and how your relations with customers are. People want to know about your experience before consulting with you.
- Follow the events in your area and share it. Events are great chances to promote real estate business. Give advertisement on the events to access more people.
- Pay attention to visual content and try to share all your content with pictures and infographics. People tend to look at content with visuals comparing classic written content.
How to Use Twitter for Real Estate
You can use Twitter’s search” function to find purchasers and provide them with advice. Maybe if they’re interested in your area, you could start a chat with them, asking questions and sharing your knowledge with them (or anything you want that buyers and sellers of properties in your area know about you and the properties in your real estate portfolio). Twitter can be used for real estate marketing with these tips:
- Tweet real estate tips on Twitter to gain new clients. You can share moving and all other real estate tips on your account. It helps to access a new audience for your business.
- Tweet about local news and local events. Especially, share real estate news with your followers. You can gain new customers and a new partnership with the help of that tip.
- Share some promotional coupons with your followers.
- Show your experience on Twitter. You can share stories about your clients and their processes. It creates a trusted source for your future clients.
Other Social Media Platforms for Real Estate
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a good social media platform to gain new partnerships and to grow your real estate business.
- Instagram: Instagram can allow you to share your portfolio online and access many people at one time. You can share your listings on Instagram and find new clients in your neighborhood. Use hashtags related to the locations of the houses you’re trying to sell or interesting for some of your potential buyers, and combine this technique with quick videos that act as real mini-tours for your properties.
- Pinterest: You can share your listings with home decor ideas on Pinterest. Pinterest’s audience is mostly underrated, comparing other social media platforms. But Pinterest is a powerful tool to grow business in the real estate business.
- YouTube: YouTube is a new marketing trend in the real estate business. You can take home-tour videos and can share them on YouTube. It allows people to know your portfolio and your business before contracting with you.
Strategies for Increasing Online Presence
Being in contact with your prospective buyers should be a routine action within your real estate social media marketing plan. What practically no agent does, though, is to give the proper attention to other professionals who are directly or indirectly linked to the real estate sector and who could bring new job possibilities.
Strategies to Improve Optimization
Updating and optimizing your website is necessary to make it performant and effective and generate new traffic and contacts. The same mechanism applies to the accounts of your social networks. You must not leave anything on your profiles or posts to chance; each of them can and should be optimized. The main areas to focus on for optimization include:
- Header, caption and profile picture.
- Frequency of publication.
- Information on the agency.
- Links between platforms.
- Always answer questions from your contacts and do it quickly.
- Give priority to information content.
- Never ask people to follow you.
- Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.
- Don’t respond to all feedback.
- Do not be repetitive.
- Respect the “rules” of the groups.
- Publish high-quality images consistent with your brand.
Strategies to Humanize the Network
How would you feel talking to a machine, to a bot? Would you be tempted to have a conversation? Probably not, which is precisely why you shouldn’t make this mistake with your contacts. So focus on these elements:
Irresistible Messages
Ensure that those who interact with you remain “trapped” by your way of communicating and never leave, becoming first your user and then your loyal and long-time customer. To do this, your message has to be as human as possible, just as if your contacts are talking to you face to face and not reading a sentence on a white background.
Share Your Knowledge
Your knowledge and skills acquired over time in the world of real estate must be part of your real estate social media marketing strategy, that’s why you should share them on your blog, on your social channels, and your website; don’t be afraid to expose what you know, your contacts will undoubtedly appreciate your transparency.
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Knowledge, skills, and continuous updating are, among other things, among the qualities that we have deemed essential for a real estate agent, as well as among the 6 qualities that people look for when they decide to rely on a real estate agent.
Use and Enhance Your Personality
Each post must be an expression of yourself and your personality, don’t try to be someone else, be authentic, and you will see that your leads will more willingly interact with you. A great way to do this is through YouTube; posting videos about you and your agency generates more coverage and gets more attention than photos or texts. So, show the properties you manage, create a video-biography to allow your contacts to better understand who they are dealing with, provide advice to your customers based on your experience and expertise in the real estate sector.
Conclusion on Social Media for Real Estate
To conclude, to gain new clients and promote your real estate business, you can get help from social media. So use real estate social media posts to show your portfolio and experience with your clients. You can use many social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. So, use social media for real estate purposes. No matter if you’re buying or selling, it will be helpful.
If you want to learn more about social media, please check out our latest articles about it. You may be interested in social media management.
1 Comment
Never thought there was a strong bond between real estate and social media. Kudos for writing such an informative text.