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Know Your Limits on Instagram (Updated)

When you set up your Instagram account and are ready to fire up, know your limit on Instagram! Otherwise, you may soon be in a sorrowful situation since Instagram does not hesitate to punish you for overhyping! So what are these Instagram limits?

There is a set of rules on Instagram as the social network wants to have a clean and enjoyable environment while keeping any spammers away. After all, who wants to see annoying spammers while you like your friends or pals’ image?

It is crucial to know your limits, including likes and followers per day or hashtags per photo. This post will teach you these limits while you enjoy Instagram in a better and healthier way.

What Are Instagram Limits?

If you just joined the social network, stay on the safe side until you believe that you have become a trusted user. This means 2-3 weeks. Until then, try not to be aggressive in your pursuit to become a shining star on Instagram. Otherwise, Instagram may believe that you are a spammer and block your account forever, so it is important to know your limit on Instagram.

Be aware new users

Age Limit

First of all, you must be over the age of 13 to use Instagram. No ifs, no wishes.

Instagram Post Limits

As mentioned above, if you are a new user, share a photo or two per day to gain the trust of Instagram administrators to believe that you’re a user just like everyone else. After 2-3 weeks, you may push up your limits, meaning that you may feel free to post as many images or videos you like.

Still, many social marketing people believe that it is better to share one or two perfect and aesthetics photos to get your fellow Instagrammer’s attention. Who wants to see many images from one user per day?
If you insist on sharing many photos per day, Instagram allows you to post five photos per hour on average. If you try to add more, you may get blocked for a few hours. Later, it is highly likely that you may keep posting. Also, some speculate that you can share no more than 100 photos per day.

Multi-Image Limit

The social network allows you to post up to 10 pictures in a single post.

Caption Limits

You have your photo and applied filter and are ready to post it. But, you may want to glamourize your image with interesting words. The number of characters you may use in your post is limited to 2200 characters.

However, the caption is cut off after the first three lines, and you see three dots, hinting that the caption is going on. To not see these dots, you may want to limit your text post to 125 characters. Besides, comments get cut after 240 characters. Be creative!

Hashtag Limit

For some time, Instagram lets you use the hashtag (#) so that other people that may not be your followers can see your posts. In that, using hashtags play a critical role. With the right hashtags, you get more likes and followers and get other people or possible advertisers’ attention.

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags. Still, it is better to use less but precise hashtags. The ideal is around 9.

Following Limit

Instagram does not allow a user to follow more than 7,500 people a day. If you try to beat that number, you cannot. It does not allow going beyond that number. However, the good news is that the number of people that can follow is unlimited. That means you can have millions of even billion users you follow.

How about you may follow or unfollow per day? If you have a new account, limit your activities to 100 actions, meaning that total actions you follow or unfollow must not go beyond 100 actions. If you are a trusted user, do not try to go beyond 1000 actions.

Like Limit

This limit is approximately 350 likes per hour. However, this can vary from user to user. Therefore, take your chances.

Like Limits

Tag Limit

There is another trick to get those users to draw attention: It mentions them in your post. While you post your photo, if you press long enough on your image, Instagram lets you mention users that you want. The limit is 20 users in your image or video.

Mention Limit

When you post your image or comment on others’ images or videos, you can mention up to 10 users per comment.

Instagram Bio Limits

  • It is up to 150 characters.
  • If you plan a personal account, be as creative and welcoming as you can be. If you plan a professional account, please consider stating what your offer is.
  • Also, you can share your website. Instagram allows sharing only one website address.
Know Your Limit on Instagram

Live Story Limit

A user can have up to a one-hour live story. It stays for 24 hours in the story section.

Instagram Stories Limits

Instagram allows 100 posts in your stories. When you add the 101st story, the oldest image or video will be archived.

Story Highlight Limits

There is no limit to how many story highlight you can create.

Image Limits

There are some rules with which you can share on Instagram.

  • For example, you are not allowed to post an image that includes nudity.
  • Also, you cannot praise terrorism, organized crime, or target some groups.
  • Similarly, you cannot advertise inappropriate services.
  • You are not allowed to make “credible threats” against others.

For average users, these limitations may not pose threats to their daily activities. However, it is better to know your restrictions on Instagram or Instagram may limit your account that you spent days or weeks to shape.

Limits on Instagram Conclusions

In this article, you have discovered what Instagram limits are. Hope we helped you to better know your Limit on Instagram for certain things. In recent weeks, the social network tends to often block those who overdo it with actions, especially if they are from different IP addresses.

Frequently Asked Questions About

The temporary ban usually ranges from a couple of hours to 24-48 hours long. The duration also depends on the type of consistency of the action caused.

Following or unfollowing too many people in a too-short time can cause you to get temporarily banned from the action.

Unlike other things, there’s the number of posts you can share has no limits.

There’s no specified number as how many times you can get action blocked, but keep in mind that each time you get temporarily banned from actions, the ban’s duration keeps getting longer, and it can reach up to a couple of months.

According to the Instagram rules, liking posts more than 350 in an hour can get you action blocked temporarily on Instagram.

James Orublig

Posts: 536

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

26 Comments on Know Your Limits on Instagram (Updated)

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  1. fix your info bud
    fix your info bud

    You cannot follow over 7500 people period, not in a day. You got some info wrong.

  2. Luke

    I just created a new Instagram account but I think I may have posted too many times in an hour and so now Instagram is deleting my posts seconds after I post. Do you know how long this would last or will it go away?


    • instafollowers

      It should resolve in a week or so. Please follow their guidelines. Contact them if it’s necessary.


    • Ryan

      Did you manage to fix it

  3. Aravind

    I juat unfollowedmany friends in instagram but suddenly i cannot like or follow other friends can help me with a solution or how can i contact instagram

  4. Jennifer

    If I post even 5 or 10 items per day, likes, comments, hashtags, whatever, I get banned for several days. And these are regular posts, not anything bad. It makes it very difficult to use Instagram

    • Gayan Perera
      Gayan Perera

      what is your profile age

  5. Aurel

    Is problem if i share my post in story and send story in DM to 20-30 persons?

  6. Laura.F

    Great information! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Vidhi Rastogi
    Vidhi Rastogi

    Hii…It’s Vidhi Rastogi…Your Article is very helpful for me….Good going…and congratulations for future….Stay Safe!!

  8. Moses

    Thanks for sharing.

    Please, as a new user, how can my comment to post be seen as spam?

    • Insta Followers
      Insta Followers

      Hi. It could be that Instagram may think your new account could be a bot account. That is why they thought of such a limit.

  9. BMA

    I have 5 instagram repost accounts. I was blocked after I counted 8 reposts in just over an hour. Had no clue, for Instagram does not have a repost limit listed in rules under search and when i type in the question. I see you mention 5 per hour. I reposted 4 in one hour and two hours later when I went to repost I was blocked again.

    My other accounts aren’t blocked. I even waited to repost on another account, but the other accounts have not been blocked. You receive no warning. Just no caption or hashtags after posting .

    Thank you. So is reposting limits by account. 100 a day and 3 an hour? I was shut down after posting 4 two hours later!

  10. Kaylie

    I have been limited to the amount of time reading posts on other accounts. Why is that?

  11. Danny

    I keep getting a message saying “try again we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community” but the only possible thing I might have done a lot was saving pictures (the bookmark feature on the right) about 100 within a day. Is this why? And how long will it take to resolve?

    • Gent

      Did you fix this?

  12. MARIE


  13. Lisa

    I get a try again later restrictions. Every other day. I’m not allowed to read Instagram posts for as long as I want I would be willing to pay for that service

  14. isaac

    how many unfollow we can ?

  15. Sheila

    I can no longer access saved items and I cannot save any items. It says ingress timed out! I ask for help daily and have never had a response

  16. Ek

    Is there a limit on how many of your own reels can you share in your story?
    I’ve shared 4/5 but the links don’t work from my story as they used to when I only shared one of my reels.

  17. Jenny

    I have an account for 5 years. I follow a popular celebrity and since 4 days ago, his posts no longer come up in my feed nor am I notified when he posts. I have checked and I am neither blocked nor restricted. I do get notification from other accounts, just not his. Likewise, I occasionally get notifications from accounts I have set up for no notifications. I am baffled. Any ideas?

  18. Kailan Peel
    Kailan Peel

    It’s nice to know the limits on Instagram. Especially the like limit.

  19. Vegas_Namida

    I have posted 2,000 images of bicycles, food, and family over several years. Can no longer post more images, is that the image limit? I tried to post 8 images from yesterdays bicycle ride and only one posted that brought total to 2000. Today I tried to post using phone apt and nothing posted. I tried to post one image from my Personal Computer and it did not post. I thought there was no posting limit, guess I am wrong.

  20. Deepu Goswami
    Deepu Goswami

    My Instagram id unblocked please Instagram team

  21. amy

    I can post – see others – I can like – but I cannot see my own page – says “couldn’t load posts” I’ve done all security stuff so not hacked…any ideas?