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How to Unfollow on Tumblr (2025 Brief Guide)

Tumblr allows users to unfollow blogs easily on both its website and mobile app. On the website, users can search for the blog they want to unfollow and click the “Unfollow” button, while in the app, they can access their following list and tap the person icon next to the blog to unfollow. For mass unfollowing, Tumblr lacks a built-in option, but users can utilize an unfollow script via Imacros for Google Chrome to automate the process. Third-party apps like Stalkr can help track who unfollowed them, but Tumblr itself does not notify users when they are unfollowed. If users want to remove a follower, they can block them, which hides their content from the blocked person. Deactivated blogs can also be unfollowed by manually entering their username and deactivation code into Tumblr’s HTML.

How to Unfollow on Tumblr Website

Follow these steps to unfollow blogs on your computer:

  1. Open tumblr.com on your web browser.
  2. Log in to your account. 
  3. Type in the account you want to unfollow in the search bar on the top of the screen.
  4. Click on the “Unfollow” button on the upper right of the blog post.
  5. Click “Yes” to confirm.
  6. When you see the “Follow” button where the “Unfollow” button was, you have unfollowed the account. 

How to Unfollow on Tumblr App

Follow these steps to unfollow blogs in the Tumblr app on your mobile device:

  1. Open Tumblr App and go to your profile.
  2. To see the blogs you are following, tap “Following” on the right.
  3. Tap on the person icon on the right of the blog you want to unfollow.
  4. Tap “Unfollow.”
How to Mass Unfollow on Tumblr

How to Mass Unfollow on Tumblr

It is a little bit more tricky to mass unfollow all the accounts you are following. Tumblr doesn’t have an “Unfollow All” option, but if your following count is just too great to unfollow manually, you can use an unfollow script using Imacros for Google Chrome. 

  1. Open Google browser and Imacros.
  2. Copy and paste the “Unfollow All” code. You can find the code online.
  3. Log in to your account and open your following list.
  4. Change the number of loop according to how many blogs you want to unfollow.
  5.  Press “Play Loop” and let the magic work.

You can check out video tutorials about this to get a better understanding.

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Frequently Asked Questions About

Yes, you can re-follow a blog at any time by searching for the blog’s username and clicking the “Follow” button on their profile.

No, Tumblr does not send notifications when someone unfollows a blog. Users can only track lost followers using third-party apps.

Blocking a user removes them from your followers, prevents them from seeing your content, and stops them from interacting with your posts.

James Orublig

Posts: 123

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

2 Comments on How to Unfollow on Tumblr (2025 Brief Guide)

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  1. Aaren Fraser
    Aaren Fraser

    I unfollow someone on Tumblr when they start posting ugly content on their feed. Trying to declutter my feed from all inappropriate content.

  2. Gale Stevens
    Gale Stevens

    My main reason to unfollow on Tumblr is ugly content. Once they start sharing things I don’t want to see, I immedieately unfollow them.