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How to Tag Someone on LinkedIn? Best Methods to Mention Connections

LinkedIn is among the most used job search websites of our time. Since May 2003, it has grown rapidly. Now, more than 700 million job seekers and employers use LinkedIn to find the job of their dreams or their future employees. LinkedIn shapes an environment where a demand (need for an employee for a long or short period) and a supply (job seekers) meet. Sometimes, a single tag can help to establish this connection. Do you know how to tag someone on LinkedIn?

What are LinkedIn and LinkedIn Tags?

Its elegant atmosphere, simple usage, and easy access separate LinkedIn from other websites. LinkedIn supports 25 languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic. On LinkedIn, you can find job offers and see job seekers’ and employers’ profiles. These are the principal usages of LinkedIn. But you may also create posts and comment on other people’s posts. People use this feature to inform other users about last news in business life, new developments, and, sometimes, their accomplishments. 

Users use “tags” to mention, acknowledge, or reference their colleagues or friends. Mentioning someone in posts enables them to become more visible and encourages the tagged users to interact with you and give you feedback in the comment section or via messaging. Tags can also be used in the comment section. Users may tag their connections or other members of LinkedIn in their posts or comments. The tagged member receives email and app notifications about posts or comments. These posts and comments also appear in the profile of the tagged person. Viewers may see the profile of the mentioned connection or other members by clicking their names.

How to Use Them to Tag Someone on LinkedIn

If you are a LinkedIn user, you have probably heard of this feature. Tags appear with a “@” symbol before them. But, probably, you haven’t used them in your posts or comments. If that’s the case, you are in the right place. In the following paragraphs, you will find out how to use tags, their benefits, and their misuse. Let’s get it started! You can follow these steps for using tags on LinkedIn;

how to tag someone on linkedin
  1. Go to your LinkedIn home page.
  2. Click “start a post” to create your post, or click “comment” below someone else’s post to comment on their posts.
  3. Type the “@” symbol and start writing the name of a person you want to mention. After that, a list of potential users you may mention will appear.
  4. Click the name of the user you would like to mention in your post or comment, and keep on writing.

You can tag your friends in the comments; it is also the same process. If there is an issue when you try to tag someone, you should contact LinkedIn Support.

How to Tag People in Your Photos

Besides mentioning someone or a company in posts and comments, you can tag people in your photos. Here are steps to tag someone in your photos;

how to tag people in photos
  • Go to the LinkedIn home page and start a new post with a photo icon.
  • Choose a photo from your computer.
  • Click on the “tag” button.
  • After that, click on “click anywhere to tag” and choose a company or person.
  • To finish it, click on the “done” button.

Why Use Tags?

Below you can find some pros of using tags.

Tags Increase Your Visibility

With tags, you drag people’s attention to your posts. Your friends comment, like, and share your posts. The members who are not in your connections may see your profile, get interested in you and add you to their connections list. Tags boost your post’s engagement level. More and more people see your posts on their LinkedIn feeds for longer. You can promote yourself and get more eyes on your profile. You can buy LinkedIn likes to double your engagement.

Tags Start Conversations

Recruiters say that they are more likely to respond to candidates who tagged them in their posts or comments than candidates who don’t use this feature to connect with them. Tags allow you to start a conversation with your friends. If you use tags, they respond to you more quickly. So, just learn how to message recruiters on LinkedIn and use tags. It can improve your chance of getting hired if that’s what you want.

Also, tags allow you to communicate with experts in your work field. You may ask them about the latest news and developments in your field. You get to know their insights. This would be a huge chance for you.

Tags Inform Users

What should you do when you see a post that your colleagues would like? Of course, you should tag them! The post you have written or seen would be relevant to their interests. Tagging is a great way to notify them if that’s the case.

How to Avoid Misuses When You Tag Someone on LinkedIn

Here are some key points to avoid misusing tags:

how toavoid misuses when you tag someone on linkedin

Don’t Use Tags In Irrelevant Posts

If you invite a friend of yours who hates watching basketball games to watch the NBA finals at your home, how would she/he answer you? A kind “no” probably. The same logic applies to LinkedIn tags. If you tag people in posts or comments irrelevant to their interests, you will annoy them rather than drag their attention.

Avoid Longs Lists Of Tags

Tagging more than 5 to 10 people in your posts or comments would also be quite annoying for mentioned people and readers. In this case, you choose a list of people who would be interested in the post. You make this so visible, and people easily understand your attitude and aim. Even if you have this goal (which is normal), you should act like this is not your intention and respect other people’s borders.

Don’t Tag Alone

People look at your comments to read something. This would be inappropriate if you just tag one user to drag her/his attention without writing anything. A tagged person would not show any interest. Because you haven’t tried to start a conversation and just tagged her/his name! It’s like seeing someone you know in the street, just shouting her/his name, and then running away.

Don’t Spam Tags

Well, I think we all know why we should never spam any content on any online platform. The spams make relevant and important content less visible. This is why every internet user hates them. Even if you try to sell something or promote your profile, you should never spam your posts, tags, or anything else. This never attracts people’s attention. And on the contrary, you lose people’s interest in you or your product.

To Conclude, How to Tag Someone on LinkedIn

Tags are great ways to improve the visibility of posts and comments on LinkedIn. But, one must use them carefully to achieve the intended goals and avoid misuse. I hope this article to be helpful for you while you use tags.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Of course, you need to find the name of the person you would like to mention in the list that appears while tagging.

No, they are not available.

You can edit your post or comment and add a tag whenever possible.

You can turn off notifications about the mentions in the settings sections.

Yes, you have to click the “more” button in the top right corner of your name and then “remove mention.”

James Orublig

Posts: 123

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

1 Comments on How to Tag Someone on LinkedIn? Best Methods to Mention Connections

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1 Comment

  1. Casey Gallagher
    Casey Gallagher

    Does it improve my chances of getting a job to tag someone on LinkedIn? If so, I’d be doing it all the time.