Tumblr’s archive aspect presents all the photographs and posts for a designated interval on a solitary display, making it simpler to glance through and discover particular posts and photographs. This may spare a lot of time in case an individual is searching for a particular photograph, post, or just considering photographs rather than posts on Tumblr sites that update often. By computing a solitary word to the Tumblr blog’s URL, anyone can have an approach to the archive view, and you can even see someone else’s Tumblr archive; here’s how!
Steps on How to See Someone’s Tumblr Archive
If you are thinking of checking someone’s Tumblr archive, here are a few steps you can follow:
- Progress to the first page of an ideal Tumblr blog and add/archive to the furthest limit of the URL.
- Choose the month you need to investigate from the Month drop-down menu. Usually, months that do not have any posts are colored in gray, whereas months with posts show dark content and a number demonstrating the number of posts that month.
- Choose a photograph or post from the Filter by post type drop-down menu.
- Peruse through the photographs or posts introduced to locate the one you need. When you have discovered the ideal post or picture, start by clicking on one of them.
How to Access Private Tumblr Blogs?
On the off-chance that you truly need to investigate Tumblr, you will need the URL of the blog or microsite you need to investigate, yet the rest is simple.
Types of URLs:
- This URL will check archived posts from a specific blog – http://www.example.com/archive.
- This URL will scan a site for a specific tag. Change the last ‘/tag’ with the hashtag you are searching for – http://www.example.com/labeled/tag.
- URL for a keyword-based on your personal preference. Simply change the last ‘/keyword’ to the genuine word you are searching for – http://www.example.com/search/catchphrase.
How to Search for Videos on Tumblr?
In the event that you have to see just videos in your search results, you should discover the Search Settings control.
At the top of the Tumblr SERP, click the little symbol in the files upper right corner; the symbol resembles a downward bolt. The Search Settings discourse box opens and shows a couple of settings you can alter. Choose the button formed like a camcorder to channel the outcomes to show just videos.
You do not need to enter the “#video” tag in the search box since you can generally utilize a filter to just show videos. In any case, you will discover recordings quicker if you utilize the “#video” tag since numerous Tumblr individuals put a tag to the recordings they post.
Tumblr is one of the most prominent as well as the earliest micro-blogging sites. Users can upload texts, quotes, links, audio, videos, and other cont...
Tags on Tumblr represent a useful feature that allows quick access to several posts with related topics. On the other hand, your post may be found by ...
In the event that you would prefer to filter certain posts from your search box, click the “Hide Explicit Content” button in the Search Settings discourse box. The Search Settings discourse has different kinds of filter buttons, for example, Audio Posts Only. Choose one of those fields to restrict search results to the classification you needed.
Conclusion on Seeing Someone’s Tumblr Archive
In this article, we’ve explained how you could see someone’s Tumblr archive. Hopefully, we were able to help. If you liked this article, you may also like to know how to download your Tumblr blog.
1 Comment
Hate to admit, but my guilty pleasure is to browse random stranger’s Tumblr archives. It gives me so much joy.