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How to Make Twitch Panels? (Brief Guide)

You can create panels for “Twitch” quickly and for free, using any image editing software. You can choose the color scheme, font size, change it to the language you need, and edit other panel parameters.

Creating a Dashboard for Twitch

Panels in “Twitch” are made to give other users information about their channel. You can convert them into buttons that will help you open a page for groups, streamer support, and other purposes.

Firstly, to create items, go to your channel and scroll down. You will see two switches. You should choose the one that is marked with the inscription Edit panel. To add them, you first need to enable the ability to work with them. To do this, you should turn the switch to the active state. So the dashboard will be added if you click on the button marked with the + sign.

Twitch Panel for the Stream

The channel owner can create a separate block for the stream that has information about it. In this block, you should place the channel schedule, specify the dates and times when you plan to conduct streams; this will help viewers plan their time to get online on time.

twitch panel for donation

Twitch Panel for Donating

Users can create any number of such components on Twitch. To earn money on the channel, you can set up a separate element that will allow you to receive monetary rewards from viewers.

First, you should register for one of the services that allow you to receive donations. Then, when creating a special component on the Twitch channel, you need to place a link with the form for sending rewards in it.

How to Set Up Your Panels

You can use the instructions below to configure it:

  • Use the specially designed controls to design the blocks to your liking. To do this, enable editing and create an element by setting the desired images.
  • Type the title and prepare the text for the description.
  • Right-click the completed block and select Save from the list of possible operations.

You can upload the finished item to Twitch.

Twitch Panel Size

After adding the panel, you need to allow editing it. This allows you to change the element at the request of the owner. To edit the height, set the desired image size. The size may also be affected by the number of paragraphs in the Description field.

Twitch Panel Design

Twitch Panel Design

There Is a choice of operations:

  • You can select the button labeled Add text or image panel.
  • When you select the add- on button, you can display the track being played, and viewers can set their music. 

When you select the first option, a form for editing will appear on the screen, and you need to fill in all the areas in it: 

  • Add a title to the Name field or leave it empty.
  • Upload images.
  • Make a description.
  • When the design is ready, click on the Send label, then disable the editing mode.

You do not have to write all the information in one element. So if you divide it into small blocks, a separate panel can be created for each category.

Adding Paddings

To make the contents of the Description field look amazing, you can make indents, that is, break the text into paragraphs. To do it, put two spaces at the end of the line, then press Enter.

What to Do if an Error Occurs?

Errors in Twitch often occur due to incorrect user actions. The program may be affected by the installation of additional applications, multiple downloads, and viruses. So the platform developers provided for the possibility of restoring work, for which special codes were developed. You can study them on the Twitch website itself or contact technical support for help. So how to solve the problem will depend on the reasons for its development. Each of them has a separate code.

Conclusion on How to Make Twitch Panels

To conclude, we’ve explained how you could make Twitch panels or edit them. It all starts with creating a dashboard for Twitch. Hopefully, we were able to help. If you liked this article, you may also like how to get partnered on Twitch.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Yes, you can choose the language you prefer by editing it in the panel box.

To create items, go to your channel and scroll down; you will see two switches.

The dashboard will be added if you click on the button marked with the + sign.

To earn money on the channel, you can set up a separate element that will allow you to receive monetary rewards from viewers.

To edit the height, set the desired image size. The size may also be affected by the number of paragraphs in the Description field.

James Orublig

Posts: 536

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

1 Comments on How to Make Twitch Panels? (Brief Guide)

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  1. Aleksander Manning
    Aleksander Manning

    Thank you for creating this blog post on how to make Twitch panels! This post is sure to be a great resource for streamers looking to customize their Twitch channel. The step-by-step instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the visuals are helpful in understanding the process. I appreciate your effort in creating this post and I’m sure it will be a great help to many streamers. Thank you again!