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How to Turn off Comments on Facebook (2025)

Facebook is a challenging place with thousands of people, if not millions, who roam around with their own opinions. Moreover, these people feel obligated to bestow their opinion on anything they may stumble upon. And sometimes, they may fill our posts with senseless ads. In situations like these, it’s quite normal for anyone to feel muggy. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t provide its users the option to get rid of the comment section for good. Nevertheless, there is a trick you can use to turn off your comments on Facebook.

Change Facebook Comments Settings

Today, we will learn some little tips to ease our minds against this constant current of voices.

Facebook is a massive platform. This is true if you have many friends, followers, or audiences that follow you through your life journey. They can find the right to comment on everything you post, and it can be a headache to deal with these people.

However, you can always pull yourself back and get some privacy on your own. Wouldn’t it be good to disable comments forever? Then you wouldn’t have to deal with teenagers asking dumb questions, ladies or gentlemen dropping hearts on your photos, and more.

There’s a way that can increase your privacy to some extent, but don’t expect miracles.

Note: This option only works for your account. There are other ways of solutions for Facebook Pages and Groups.

How to Turn Off the Comments for the Most Part

  • Go to Facebook through your favorite web browser. Chrome is preferred.
  • You can simply click “Create a new post” to choose who can comment on your post.
turn off comments on Facebook
  • Here, you can choose who can comment on your posts.
  • Click on the Public text to open the drop-down menu and choose among the options.
    • Public
    • Friends of Friends
    • Friends
  • Now, only the people you allow can comment on your posts. In the most extreme case, only your Friends will gain access to the comments.

How to Disable the Comments on Facebook Pages and Groups?

Let’s say that you want to turn on or off comments on Facebook Pages or Groups.

2021 Update: Unfortunately, Facebook has disabled this feature. You cannot disable comments on pages and groups anymore.

Conclusion – Eliminate What You Don’t Like

If you wonder if it’s possible to get rid of all current and potential comments for good, you’ll feel sad when you learn that it’s not an option.

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However, it’s possible for personal accounts to make adjustments based on their tastes. In that case, you can make the comments visible only to your friends. You can’t go beyond that.

Also, comments on Facebook Pages and Groups cannot be disabled. You can exclude individual posts from receiving comments, but you can’t remove the feature altogether.

Frequently Asked Questions About

“Up” or “upvote” is an expression designed for use when the comment is thought to be helpful or insightful. 

You can do this by going enabling Timeline Review. When it’s enabled, review comments, go to the Timeline Review section and click on the Add to Timeline box on the comments that you think are okay to post.

You can easily see the counts of post reactions, comments, and shares in the Insights menu.

The option to enable or block posting a picture as a comment on a Facebook post is on the page owner; if there’s no option to post a photo as a comment on the post on your timeline, that means the page owner disabled it.

This is a comment usually posted by individuals who wish to be further notified about the live topic or thread. 

James Orublig

Posts: 536

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

39 Comments on How to Turn off Comments on Facebook (2025)

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  1. Avin

    I do not wish to have a coment in my photo from anybody

    • Elaine

      Puzzled, so with the mighty Facebook, I cannot disable comments for a single post? Really, turn off commenting cannot be in the arrow down menu, so I can customize each post? What???????

      • E-cat

        Can you create a feature to turn off commenting on a private page. Sometimes it’s nice to just post something without everyone chiming in.

      • Patricia

        Yet I’m confused that certain people never allow comments but I can’t turn off one post? That’s wrong.

  2. Karen

    I wish FB would give us more control over our own posts on our own wall. We should be able to disable comments for a specific post and not all posts, just as a group administrator can do. If it’s our wall, why shouldn’t we be able to have that control? What does FB gain by denying it to us?

    • Vera

      I totally agree, I have post/pics I don’t want comments on.. if there is ever a way plz share

      • vms

        me too! if you find out, let me know!

  3. TRACY

    Agreed, we should be able to disable all comments on a post we created on our own FB page.

  4. Andy

    I tried following these steps for a fb page but there is no “Turn Off Comments” when I click the three dots… Anyone have the same issue?

    Select group posts which you don’t want to receive any comments.
    Click on the three-dotted icon at the upper right corner of the post.
    Click on “Turn Off Comments.”
    Any comments for this particular posts are restricted

    • Laura Clingman
      Laura Clingman

      I have the same issue. But I have seen people disable comments on a post before, and recently even. The original post remains and the comments up to the point where comments were turned off. So you could see everything but you could not comment anymore. I don’t understand why I cannot disable comments on a post on my own wall.

    • Rachelle

      That’s because you cannot turn off comments on a public page, only in a group.

      • ted rogers
        ted rogers

        my page is neither public or group, it’s friends only (aka private) and i cannot stop comments. facebook is lame.

    • Sue

      I do not have that option ?

    • Jessica J Sellers
      Jessica J Sellers

      I have the same issue for a business page I manage. The “Turn Off Comments” is not listed as an option.

    • John T Faulks
      John T Faulks

      yes, it’s maddening

  5. John

    Hey Andy, I’m also experiencing this problem. Facebook has been so inconsistent and unhelpful

  6. JJ

    I do not have that option…the three-dotted icon at the upper right corner of the post.
    Click on “Turn Off Comments.”
    why is that?

    • MKB

      Sadly you cannot turn off commenting on posts on a facebook page just in groups. Which is a shame as we’re taking a beating over holocaust remembrance and fb don’t think anti-semitism is a breach of their community rules!

  7. ayush sharma
    ayush sharma

    i think this is the best article

  8. ismail ahmed
    ismail ahmed

    when clicking on the three-dotted icon at the upper right corner of the post, I can’t find the “Turn Off Comments” option?

  9. Meredith Heffernan
    Meredith Heffernan

    Facebook needs to do more with this. I enjoy posting humor and it offends some of my friends so I don’t want them to be able to comment and start arguing on my posts. It makes me anxious.

  10. Leah Lukasik
    Leah Lukasik

    I have been able to turn off comments but now that is no longer an option when I click the three dots on something I have posted. Where did this option go?

  11. sarah tomai
    sarah tomai

    Do you know if it is possible to receive text/emoji/gif comments but not allow photo/video comments?

    • Insta Followers
      Insta Followers

      Hi, it doesn’t seem to be possible, unfortunately.

  12. Patricia

    How do celebrities and others post on FB yet you can’t comment? I’ve seen this many times on FB. I follow a few people that NEVER allows comments. Why is it ok for some but not all?

    • Insta Followers
      Insta Followers

      It seems like you can only turn off public comments. Yet, celebrities’ pages may not be profiles but Facebook pages. It is possible to turn off commenting on a FB page.

  13. Tony Richards
    Tony Richards

    Hi, I made a comment on Michael Moores page and my son somehow got a notification that I had done that. How can I stop people from seeing posts that I make to other Facebook pages like Moores without affecting my page comments?

  14. elena

    but turn off comments isnt available?

  15. John T Faulks
    John T Faulks

    didn’t work for me. “Turn off comments for this post” isn’t a selection

  16. Larry J Homan
    Larry J Homan

    There is another way to restrict those certain people who always want to comment on your posts. Go to the downward pointing triangle icon at the top of your Facebook page. Click on “settings”. Go to the menu on the left and click on “Blocking”. The top category is “Restrictions”. In the upper right corner of that window is “Edit List”. Click on it. Below the words “Edit Restricted” is a drop down menu with only two options. Click on the “Friends” option. All of your friends should show up below. Click on each one you wish to restrict. When you are done, Click on “Finish” in the lower right corner. Now those individuals friends you have selected wil only be able to view your public posts. When you add a friend to your Restricted list, they won’t see posts on Facebook that you share only to Friends. They may still see things you share to Public or on a mutual friend’s timeline, and posts they’re tagged in. Facebook doesn’t notify your friends when you add them to your Restricted list.

  17. Bishal Tasa
    Bishal Tasa

    Your Facebook account disable community standards

  18. Donna

    Facebook is more interested in getting everyone’s information to sell than actually prevent cyber bullying. If they actually gave a damn, then this would have been one of the first things they added.

  19. JULZ

    I found that a friend was able to turn off comments on their posts (they wernt piblic posts either).
    How come my friend in America can do it but cant?

  20. Darlene Armenta
    Darlene Armenta

    The disable comments feature seems to have disappeared.

  21. Reggie Farrell
    Reggie Farrell

    After receiving so many harsh comment, the best thing for me was to disable comment on Facebook.

  22. Yvette

    Please add the feature on how to turn off commenting on either pictures or post… that would be an awesome feature. & a lot have asked for it already.. please addd… thanks you!!!
    (IG has it & a lot love it) ???

  23. for sale
    for sale

    A great post without any doubt.


  24. Las Systems
    Las Systems

    Many thanks for the help in this question. I did not know it.

    • Ava Rowland
      Ava Rowland

      You’re welcome!