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James Orublig

James Orublig


Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

What Is Influencer Marketing?

With the rapid impact of social media on our daily lives recently, people who have a lot of followers on social media have increased considerably. This has led to a rapid increase in the number of people who are famous thanks to social media, and nowadays, we encounter a lot of influencers. Social m...

How to Create a Pinterest Business Account

How to Create a Pinterest Business Account

Pinterest is one of the most popular web sites of all time, but with a difference: People see Pinterest as a productivity tool and use it for inspiration. Many people use Pinterest to be inspired for event planning, DIY projects, fashion, and all other things. So, why not use Pinterest with a good m...

Pinterest Analytics (Metrics & Tools)

Pinterest Analytics (Metrics & Tools)

Pinterest Business is already one of the most profitable and beneficial social media web sites to grow businesses and brands. Pinterest Analytics is a great feature of the business account. While the majority knows Pinterest Business, Analytics is not known very well and many people have difficulty ...

How to Record a Video on WhatsApp

How to Record a Video on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a multipurpose messaging application in which you can communicate with your contacts in several alternative ways. One of these ways is sending videos to your friends on WhatsApp. You can send a recorded video or a video by recording on WhatsApp. If you send a recorded video, you should c...

What Is an Unlisted YouTube Video?

What Is an Unlisted YouTube Video?

YouTube is a great video-sharing website to access the world. Many people produce thousands of contexts every day to share them with other people. But not everyone wants to share the videos all the time. So, what is an unlisted YouTube video? An unlisted video means that the video that you shared on...

How to Timestamp on YouTube? (2025)

How to Timestamp on YouTube? (2025)

Video marketing is one of the most powerful tools in the marketing industry, and YouTube is a great platform for it. YouTube users watch many videos daily, and that’s why giving the right context with a certain timing is essential in video marketing. Giving time stamp on YouTube allows watchers to w...

Who Owns Tumblr? (& Story Behind It)

Who Owns Tumblr? (& Story Behind It)

Tumblr is a blogging and social media platform that allows users to post a "tumblelog", short blog posts. The most significant difference with Tumblr is the free-form nature of the site and the option for users to customize their pages significantly. All other social media platforms have a standardi...

How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make per Sub?

How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make per Sub?

Twitch has become one of the most popular streaming applications all the time after it was released. With its motto, “Don’t just watch, join it.”, it takes huge attention from many people. Like other streaming applications, Twitch offers to make money with the stream. That’s why it is frequently ask...

What to Watch on YouTube? (2025)

What to Watch on YouTube? (2025)

YouTube is known to be the largest video sharing site in the internet world, where most internet users spend most of their time. One of the biggest reasons why it is such a large platform is that the number of content producers is growing rapidly today. Therefore, YouTube is now an endless platform ...

How to Subscribe on Twitch? (+ Packages)

How to Subscribe on Twitch? (+ Packages)

Twitch is a huge platform that allows broadcasters to earn money. Twitch is a free platform, but if you want to support the broadcasters you follow, you can subscribe to their channel. It offers multiple options on its platform to enable broadcasters to earn money. If you are a Twitch user, you can ...

How to Log Out of Tumblr (2025)

How to Log Out of Tumblr (2025)

Tumblr is one of the leading microblogging sites that bloggers love. Tumblr is a fast blogging service that offers the most comfortable sharing opportunity among its competitors. In addition, the reason that this service is used a lot is that it provides quite comfortable sharing from smartphones to...

How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

Facebook users would like to learn about how much do Facebook Ads cost and how to determine how much to pay for ads. Since they would like to have an idea about Facebook advertising pricing on the basis of growing the increase in workflows, there are essential points to consider about ...